Here’s What I’m Thinking “Out Loud.”
This is where I write the things that matter to me.
This blog is where I think “out loud” about the things that matter to me. It is not dedicated to one topic or theme and is not sermonizing or overly academic. The topics vary widely depending on what I’m thinking, reading, and discussing with friends. I write about random stuff, about my experiences—good and difficult, causes important to me, about my family, running, U2, Bob Dylan, and the Yankees, about Evangelicalism where my spiritual roots are, mental health, current events, politics, theology, and, of course, the Bible, especially the New Testament. I can be humorous, trivia, jaded, cynical, irreverent, serious, and scholarly. I hope my writing will be, at times, funny, informational, and validating and will foster deeper reflection on faith, the Bible, and life.